Agarwal Vidya Vihar English Medium Arts College
M.A. - Economics (Eng. Medium)
Affiliated with Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat.
We at AVV English Medium College offers MA - Economics (English Medium) affiliated with Veer Narmad South Gujarat University. We are the only English Medium PG centre offering MA - Eco. in English medium in South Gujarat region (VNSGU). The aim to offer this PG program is to create future economists, analyst, professors, banking professionals and much more.
Career Opportunities for Economics Graduates
ECONOMICS is well known as Queen of all Social Sciences. The course is offered by Agarwal Vidya Vihar English Medium College in Surat. Agarwal Vidya Vihar English Medium College is the only college in the entire South Gujarat to offer Arts Stream in English.
Economics is a prestigious subject of inquiry. Economics is the only social science that is awarded the Nobel prize, as funded by the Bank of Sweden (1968). Economics is fundamentally about choice behavior -- about how individuals, families, firms, and governments deploy their scarce resources so as to maximize the economic well-being of their stakeholders.
Skills an Economics Graduate develops
Possible Avenues
Public Sector
Private Sector
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Public Sector Ministry of Economic Affairs
Indian Economic Service (IES) (Formulating and implementing economic policies and programs of the country) - Direct recruitment to the IES is on the basis of an all-India open competitive examination, called the IES Examination, conducted by the UPSC.
Reserve Bank of India
National Sample Survey
Planning Commission
Research Institutes
Colleges and Universities
In the government sector, one may try for Indian Economic Services, jobs in Reserve Bank of India, PSUs and other public sector banks. All these jobs have wonderful career options. These jobs give you social prestige along with financial stability.
The private sector also offers jobs for economic graduates in fields like private banks, MNCs, BPOs, KPOs, Business journals, and newspapers. A good opportunity is also waiting for economic students in higher education.
Avenues for further studies for Economics Graduate
One can pursue a Ph.D. in economics to enter into the field of teaching in Colleges and Universities.
One makes a successful career as a Corporate Lawyer after BA in economics followed by LLB.
BA in economics and MBA placed one in a better position in the private sector.
Economic Journalism is another shining area for a job perspective.
Job opportunity after passing a BA or MA in Economics​
Banking and Finance
Stock Broker
Economic Analyst
Management Consulting
Advertising and Communication
Education and Research
Retailing System
For further information and details, you can surely get in touch with us. Agarwal Vidya Vihar English Medium College offers a graduation degree in Economics. We are the only English Medium Arts College in Entire South Gujarat.