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  • Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes shall have to submit Social Welfare Department’s Certificate and Physically Handicapped shall have to attach a Civil Surgeon’s medical certificate along with the application.

  • Candidates seeking admission for the first time will be charged Entrance fee, Enrollment fee, Identity Card fee and Deposit fee in the first term.

  • The Principal’s decision will remain final in all admissions and it would be binding on the students.

  • Regular Students shall have to seek admission within 6 days after the result.

  • Admission already granted to a student will be canceled if the information provided by him/her is either false or if he/she withholds the required information. In such cases the fees and deposits will be forfeited. Repeaters are not entitled for admissions.

  • A Student failing in one faculty will not be given Admission in another Faculty.

  • 80% attendance in any term/semester is compulsory, failing which the admission will be cancelled.

  • Admitted Students must be regular in the class and participate in all extracurricular activities of college.

  • Reading the notice board is must for the students. Ignorance of any notice or rules of the college will not be an excuse for not fulfilling any requirement.

  • If the deposit is not claimed in a year, it will get lapsed. Applicants who are in service will not be given admission.

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