Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes shall have to submit Social Welfare Department’s Certificate and Physically Handicapped shall have to attach a Civil Surgeon’s medical certificate along with the application.
Candidates seeking admission for the first time will be charged Entrance fee, Enrollment fee, Identity Card fee and Deposit fee in the first term.
The Principal’s decision will remain final in all admissions and it would be binding on the students.
Regular Students shall have to seek admission within 6 days after the result.
Admission already granted to a student will be canceled if the information provided by him/her is either false or if he/she withholds the required information. In such cases the fees and deposits will be forfeited. Repeaters are not entitled for admissions.
A Student failing in one faculty will not be given Admission in another Faculty.
80% attendance in any term/semester is compulsory, failing which the admission will be cancelled.
Admitted Students must be regular in the class and participate in all extracurricular activities of college.
Reading the notice board is must for the students. Ignorance of any notice or rules of the college will not be an excuse for not fulfilling any requirement.
If the deposit is not claimed in a year, it will get lapsed. Applicants who are in service will not be given admission.